Sunday, September 30, 2012

Stir Fried Chicken and Cashew Nut Thai Style

One day with us and you will add many beautiful dishes like this to your repertoire.

The Main Ingredients for Stir - Fried Chicken & Cashew Nut

Still playing with my camera and food! soon our cook book will be out :)

Dark Sweet Soy Sauce - Golden Boat Brand

This is one of our secret ingredients if you can find it buy and use it;
this is the Guinness of dark soy sauces

Oyster Sauce - Maekrua Gold Lable Brand

One of the most famous oyster sauces in South East Asia, very yummy

Soy Bean Sauce Formula 1 - Healthy Boy Brand

I think you can find this brand in most corners of the world, its good!

A-Agoon Soy Bean Oil


We like A-Goon Soy Bean Oil, but you are encouraged to use your favorite soy bean oil when at home.

Tiparos Fish Sauce

We use and prefer Tiparos Fish Sauce but if you are unable to find this brand in your local market try a different one : )