Thai Secret Cooking School in Chiang Mai, Thailand offers half day and full day classes focusing on traditional Thai cuisine. We are located in San Sai Village just 20 minutes from downtown Chiang Mai. We pick you up at your hotel in the morning and visit our favorite local market to select some of our ingredients, then we go to our school, Next we are off for a quick tour of the surrounding our organic garden, along the way you will learn some fun facts while harvesting some novel yummies.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
We had a nice mix of people today, from all over the world! Just the way we like it.
Just the way we like it
Enjoy a cooking class with us during your visit in Chiang Mai! Don't for get about this years Loy Krathong Festival, November 5th 6th & 7th ~ 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
The full menu, and more with a lovely group of woman.
The full menu, and more with a lovely group of woman.
A night at Chiang Mai, Thailand. Thai Secret Cooking School!
Cooking, and eating in Thailand is very similar to France, Magnificent!
Cooking, and eating in Thailand is very similar to France, Magnificent!
Hot Air Balloon Rides!
~Bitcoin Special~
Hot air balloon ride in
the morning private Thai cooking class at noon
1 ½ hour Thai Massage
Hot air balloon ride in the morning private Thai cooking class at noon
Friday, July 25, 2014
Illum aħna imsajjar ma 'grupp ta' nies eċċezzjonalment favur
Illum aħna imsajjar ma
'grupp ta' nies eċċezzjonalment favur minn Malta,
Nagħmlu insalata Papaja
Czas, aby nasz papaja sałatka razem
Pokaz gotowania dla klasy
Prattikanti ħiliet tagħna tisjir Tajlandiż biex iġibu lura d-dar
Czy jesteś zadowolony ze smakiem?
Fil-suq lokali aħna tipprova tiekol xi crickets u ħanfus.
Dokonywanie Thai Spring Rolls
Waħda mill-partijiet aħjar ta 'li jkollhom klassi tisjir huwa li nies mill-partijiet aktar' il bogħod tad-dinja jżuruna, u t-tagħlim dwar dar tagħhom. Jekk il-persuni minn Malta huma kif xorta, u iblah bħal dawk we sodisfatti tonight, aħna biss jista 'jkollhom biex jimxu lejn Malta!
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